Social + Emotional Intelligence

What sets some people apart, and helps them become “stars” when others with similar backgrounds hit a plateau in their careers? Intellect (IQ) will get us only so far in life; after that, success increasingly hinges on our ability to manage ourselves and our relationships with others.

Social & Emotional Intelligence (also known as S+EI, EI, or EQ) is the awareness of our own emotions and those around us, monitoring that awareness, and then using it to manage ourselves and our relationships with others. It is a key indicator of individual and leadership success.

The good news is that Social & Emotional Intelligence can be learned and strengthened. We offer trainings, assessments, and coaching to facilitate that growth.

Just a few benefits of Social & Emotional Intelligence are:

  • Leadership: leaders set the tone for the organization.

  • Performance: in a group of people with similar IQs, some will outperform others - the competitive edge is S+EI.

  • Relationships: greater awareness of others and management of relationships builds stronger, more resilient connections and teams.

  • Health and Wellbeing: awareness of and management of emotions reduces stress and builds personal resilience.

To learn more, schedule an introductory consultation today: